
Headshots by Brandon Dahlquist. Directed by Jess Fisch.

Production Photos

Chicago Fire, Ep. 308

Scenes from my episode of Chicago Fire.


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The Vanishing Act Podcast

In 1699, at the premiere of his newest masterpiece, renowned stage magician Jean Jacquline Lemarque caused the 2nd or 3rd greatest disappearance-related theatrical tragedy in history…

In 1932, a prickly German theater artist (played by yours truly), an American conman, and an unfortunately-named mechanical engineer globetrot from Berlin to Paris to Hollywood, encountering artistic geniuses, secret societies, and plagiarists in an attempt to unfold the mystery of Lemarque’s Vanishing Act... or at the very least avoid doing any actual work.

A farce, a heist, a con, a murder mystery, and a disappearing act all at once, The Vanishing Act finds a slew of off-color characters at odds with art, fame, magic, and history in the making. 

Check out the trailer below!

The first season is out now on Spotify,
iTunes, and wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.